Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Birthday Photos

Here are some photos from the big day!

Emily and I on our walk at Woodward park. This is about 12 hours into my labor. As you can see, my belly filled out quite a bit more with Kathryn than with Emily.

Here I am in the bed with Kathryn shortly after she was born. She swallowed a little bit of water, so they're working to get her lungs cleared out.

Kathryn taking a second to rest.

Mommy, Daddy, and baby getting to know each other.

Emily just after she came in from her bedroom. She's just waking up and trying to figure out what's going on. Who is that baby, and what is she doing with my mommy?

Switch! Emily taking a second to be alone with her Mommy while Daddy and Kathryn spend some quality time together

Deena gathering Kathryn's stats.

Daddy getting her dressed after she was completely checked out.

Daddy and baby.

More of Kathryn and Daddy.

Grand Jan taking a second to cuddle with Kathryn.

Brandi, Deena, and Ruth. After we took this picture, they said how they love that most of the pictures of them floating around Tulsa are taken when they are called out of bed in the middle of the night. I feel so lucky to have had them here to be a part of our special day.

When Emily got up the next morning, she wanted to hold her baby sister, so Andrew put them both in his lap and let her have her first turn holding the baby.

Emily showing her baby sister some love.

Josh getting to know his new sister.

Caleb was very excited to hold his new sister... then after about 5 minutes he was ready to go outside and play.

Royalpa with his newest grand baby.

1 comment:

Wings said...

Thanks for getting those pics out there so fast! Can't wait to hold her in person. Hugs to everyone.

love kari & lilly