Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Birthday Photos

Here are some photos from the big day!

Emily and I on our walk at Woodward park. This is about 12 hours into my labor. As you can see, my belly filled out quite a bit more with Kathryn than with Emily.

Here I am in the bed with Kathryn shortly after she was born. She swallowed a little bit of water, so they're working to get her lungs cleared out.

Kathryn taking a second to rest.

Mommy, Daddy, and baby getting to know each other.

Emily just after she came in from her bedroom. She's just waking up and trying to figure out what's going on. Who is that baby, and what is she doing with my mommy?

Switch! Emily taking a second to be alone with her Mommy while Daddy and Kathryn spend some quality time together

Deena gathering Kathryn's stats.

Daddy getting her dressed after she was completely checked out.

Daddy and baby.

More of Kathryn and Daddy.

Grand Jan taking a second to cuddle with Kathryn.

Brandi, Deena, and Ruth. After we took this picture, they said how they love that most of the pictures of them floating around Tulsa are taken when they are called out of bed in the middle of the night. I feel so lucky to have had them here to be a part of our special day.

When Emily got up the next morning, she wanted to hold her baby sister, so Andrew put them both in his lap and let her have her first turn holding the baby.

Emily showing her baby sister some love.

Josh getting to know his new sister.

Caleb was very excited to hold his new sister... then after about 5 minutes he was ready to go outside and play.

Royalpa with his newest grand baby.

Kathryn's Birth Story

I woke up on the morning of July 12 at around 5 am. I had a few contractions, but they weren't very strong, and I knew from experience that this could be the beginning of a very long day, so after a trip to the bathroom, I headed back to bed to sleep for as long as I could. I woke up again at around 8:00 and decided to time them for a little while just so I would know where I was at. They were spaced at about 5 minutes, but they were still pretty mild. Andrew was trying to decide whether or not he should get up and go to work, so we decided that maybe he should go ahead and stick around the house. We got up from bed at around 9, and I called the midwife, Ruth, to let her know that I was having contractions, but that it didn't look like it was going to be happening any time too soon. She asked that we keep her updated. Andrew also called in to work and let the receptionist know that I was in labor, and that he wouldn't be in today. We hadn't talked about that before hand, and I didn't want him to say anything... in case this wasn't the real deal. He asked what I would have preferred he said, and I decided that he was right, what could he say, I wasn't feeling well? Andrew's mom was on call to help with Emily during the labor, but since things were still so slow, we decided to wait to have her come over.

It was raining outside, so my plans of getting up and going for a walk around the neighborhood to get things going weren't going to happen. Andrew and I just hung out around the house, making sure everything was in its place. I also decided it would be a good time to start my labor project. I was planning on making a birthday carrot cake for the new baby big arrival. It was nice to have something to work on to keep my mind off of the time and the contractions. We would time my contractions every now and again, and while they were getting a little longer (they started at around 30-45 seconds each, and were up to around a minute long) and a little stronger, they were still happening every 5 - 6 minutes.

Ruth called us again just after lunch to check on how things were going. We let her know that we were just waiting around for things to progress more and that we would keep her posted. We also talked to Jan and let her know that we were still waiting for things to progress. It was another hot July day, so I didn't feel like walking around outside in the middle of the afternoon, so we decided to take a trip to Target to get a few last minute things we needed and to walk around the store for a while to try and get things to speed up a little. I can't say the walking really helped a lot, but I guess it felt good to be doing something besides waiting around the house. When we got back home, I decided to go and lay down to rest for a while while Emily took her nap. At this point, I was still wondering if this was really going to happen today.

I got up after a little rest, and Andrew let me know that he talked to his mom, and she was going to come by our house at 5 to take Emily to music class. At this point, I was starting to get a little frustrated that things were taking so long. My labor with Emily lasted over 28 hours, and I was beginning to think that it was going to happen again. When Andrew's mom arrived, Emily had just gotten up from her nap. It was pretty short, and we didn't know if she was going to be too interested in going to music class. After sitting around for a little while, I decided that we should all go to music together. I figured the more I occupied myself with other activities, the quicker the time would go by.

I think everyone was surprised to see me at music. It went well, I just had to take a few rest breaks during contractions, but it definitely helped to pass the time. After class, we sent Jan home until we put Emily to bed, then we decided to head to Jason's Deli for dinner. Since I was thinking it was still going to be quite a while until this baby was born, I decided it would be a good idea to have a good meal. After a big salad and a cup of ice cream, we decided to head out to Woodward park for another walk. We made our way through the rose gardens, which was not quite as beautiful in July as it may sound. We let Emily lead the tour up and down the steps telling us about the flowers that were left. Then we went to the swings to let Emily play for a while, before we decided to head back to the house. Once we were home, we gave Emily a bath and Andrew took her to bed.

It was about 10 when we got Emily into bed and called Jan to come over, and that's about when my labor really kicked in. I started timing my contractions and they were now spaced at about 3-4 minutes and were a getting stronger. When Andrew came out of Emily's room, we decided to give Ruth a call. I still wasn't sure we were close, but I felt like I wanted to have someone check me out to see how things were progressing. Ruth had Deena, one of her assistants, come by to check on us, and while we were waiting, I decided to jump in the shower to get cleaned up. By the time I got out, it was around 11 and Deena was here and was getting all of the birth supplies set out, so I decided to go ahead and dry my hair. Now, I know that may sound strange... that a woman who is so far in labor is concerned with getting her hair done, but for what ever reason, I knew I couldn't just pull it back in a pony tail and I felt like I needed to make sure it was done. Since I was still concerned about my hair, Deena thought for sure that I was still pretty early in my labor. She was thinking I was probably at about 4-5 cm, so she took her time getting everything together before she checked me.

When Deena got everything set up, she did a vaginal exam, and we were all surprised to find out that I was 7-8 cm dilated and completely effaced. She had to check twice just to make sure. At this point, we realized how good it was that we had called Ruth when we had. If we had waited much longer, we may have ended up having the baby on our own. At this point, I decided to get into the birth pool. I had been waiting to get in the pool until I was sure my labor was far enough along because I didn't want to slow it down. My contractions had gotten pretty strong though, and as soon as I got in the pool, I felt better. It was easier to relax and let myself open up.

Soon after I got in the pool, Brandy (another of Ruth's assistants) and Ruth arrived. It was about 12 am. Once Ruth got settled, she gave us the option of getting back out of the tub so she could break my water and see if the water was clear so we could decide whether we wanted to go ahead and have the baby in the tub or on our bed. When Emily was born, there was meconium in the fluid, and the fact that she swallowed it could have been part of the reason she got sick, so I wanted to make sure that we knew if we may have similar problems this time around. Ruth checked me, and I was fully dilated... she broke my water, and the fluid was clear. I was so relieved. Now we had a decision to make... and quick... did we want to have her on the bed or in the water. At this point and time, I was not in a position to make a decision. I knew I wanted to get into the water, but I didn't want to make the trip from the bedroom back into the office. I finally got up and headed back to the water.

When I made it to the tub, I got sick, then I got into the pool with Andrew behind me and it was only a matter of minutes before Miss Kathryn joined us. I had a few more contractions and with each one, I breathed her down a little more. Because I wasn't pushing, no one knew that she was crowning. Ruth told me it was ok to bear down, and a second later, her head was out. Ruth reached down to check for the cord, and told me it was ok to push again. Her body came out, and Ruth picked her up and put her on my chest. I couldn't believe she was here... that I was looking down at my beautiful baby. She had a full head of hair, although it wasn't as long as Emily's. Ruth felt around and let us know it was a girl... I couldn't believe it. Another beautiful baby girl. We waited a few minutes then Ruth cut the cord (Andrew wasn't interested in doing it, plus he was still sitting behind me in the water) and we all headed into the bedroom. I pushed out the placenta and my work was done. Andrew and I sat on the bed together and took in our new baby girl.

Emily, who was asleep in her room, woke up earlier than normal and stumbled into the bedroom where she climbed into bed with us and met her new baby sister. It took her a few minutes to process everything that was going on, but I was glad she was there to welcome Kathryn into the world with us. We spent the next few hours getting to know each other, then we all settled in for a few hours of rest before we woke to face our first day together.

Ruth, Deena, and Brandy had to leave from our birth to attend another one!

Kathryn Paige was born at 12:45 am and weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz. She was 21 3/4" long and her head was 14". It was a beautiful birth... and while I wouldn't have minded if we had sped things up a little in the beginning, I wouldn't have had it any other way. It is such an amazing and intimate thing to give birth to your child in your home surrounded by people you love and who support you. I don't understand why more women don't choose to do it this way.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Baby Sister...

So, yesterday on our way to see the midwife, Andrew and I were answering Emily's 20 questions about where we were going. "Go see Papa?"... no. "Go see Zoe?"... no. "Kari Lilly"... no. We're going to go hear the baby. "Go hear baby?" ... yes.

I have heard from several people that I work with, that you should ask you're kid whether or not you're having a boy or a girl, and that they are usually right. Well, I hadn't taken a chance to ask her about it yet, but it seemed like the perfect time, so I went for it. She has made her prediction... apparently according to Emily, she is going to be having a baby sister. This meshes with what so many people have told me their prediction is. I guess we'll have to wait another month and a half to see who is right, but I'm sure it will be here before we know it.

On a side note, we did meet with the midwife, and everything is still going well. I had her give me a "tour of my uterus" and the baby is head down (yay!), her back is along the left side, and her bottom goes around to the top right side. So, now the location of all the kicks and movements I've been feeling makes more sense. Even though he's head down now, the head's not low enough for it to be stuck, so there's still a chance for the baby to flip, but we're hoping that doesn't happen. The only thing we're watching out for now is my blood pressure. I've had a few high readings, so the doctor wants me to keep an eye on it. I had the same problem when I was pregnant with Emily, and we didn't have to do anything special because of it, but we're keeping an eye on it. Hopefully it doesn't cause any problems this time around either. I'll keep everyone posted.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


So I've been in Venezuela for nearly two weeks now. I've pretty much settled into a routine, but the first few days were quite an adjustment.

First off, my plane left from Houston at midnight, and I had about a 5-hour flight from there to Caracas, Venezuela. Luckily the flight wasn't full and I could stretch out and lay down. I think I slept for a couple hours...but it wasn't very good sleep.

When I got off the plane in Caracas, I followed the crowd along to immigration, where I handed my passport to the guy behind the counter. The only thing he said to me was "Tourista?"...to which I answered yes and moved on. I had to pick up my checked bag there and exit the International airport and head over to the National airport to catch my next flight. Fortunately, they had a "driver" set up at the exit for the baggage to help me out. He spoke very good English and he directed me towards the taxis where we hopped in and he paid the taxi-driver to take us to the other airport. We got out and when we get inside, there'a huge line at check-in. It's probably good to point out that it's 5:30 AM...but it looks like it's about 7 or 8 AM U.S. time...it's bright outside and the airport is packed!

We get in line to get my ticket and re-check my bag...he takes a look at the line and asks me for my passport. Without really thinking, I hand the guy my passport and he tells me he's going to try and bypass the long line and get me checked-in. He wanders off toward the beginning of the line...and as I'm standing there and getting my bearings, I quickly realize that I'm surrounded by people that mostly don't speak English...I speak very very little Spanish...and I don't even have my passport. I didn't have long to worry about it, because the guy was only gone for a couple minutes before he returns to get my bag to check it and he runs off again. He returns in another couple of minutes with my ticket and my baggage claim....he probably saved us at least 30 minutes.

We then go stand in the next line in order to pay the airport taxes. I guess they don't ever include the taxes whenever you buy your tickets in Venezuela...and everyone just pays the same tax. This line is much shorter...and we stand there for a little bit and then the guy pays my taxes. He then directs me to security and tells me where my gate is and sends me on my way.

My next flight to Puerto Ordaz isn't until just after 10 AM, and so I have a few hours to wait. I grab a bite to eat and mostly just sit around and check out the locals. I've always enjoyed people-watching, and airports are generally good places for that activity...and the fact that I was in a different country didn't change that. 10 o'clock is quickly approaching and so I head over to the boarding area where I see the flight and the boarding time up on the screen. I can't understand any of the announcements over the loud-speaker...so I figure I'll just get up whenever everyone else stands up to board.

And then the worst thing happens...Puerto Ordaz disappears off the screen and another city is put up in it's place. I wait a couple of minutes to see if there's some kind of announcement directing people to go to another gate...but I don't hear anything like that...and everyone else sitting around me is just staying there. So now I'm questioning whether or not everyone around me is even on the same flight. I walk up to the desk and show them my ticket and I say the only thing I know to say..."Puerto Ordaz?". I think the guy realizes I probably don't speak much Spanish...he looks at his screen and then says "nueve" and holds up 9 fingers. I assume he means Gate 9, since I'm at gate 5. And since the plane was supposed to be boarding at that time, I rush down to Gate 9 and see a bunch of people sitting there. Something doesn't seem right...if the gate just changed, how were all these people here already. And so I walk up to the desk and once again show them my ticket and say "Puerto Ordaz?". This time the lady looks frustrated and is shaking her head and gets on her walkie talkie and talks for a couple of minutes before pointing down the hall and saying "ocho". So I walk over to Gate 8...but there's still a bunch of people sitting at that gate, although not nearly as many as the last one. I look up at the screen, and the flight says Barcelona (Venezuela, not Spain) and not Puerto Ordaz...I'm thoroughly confused. Nobody is boarding, there is no plane waiting, and there is no one behind the desk to ask any questions...not that I had any idea what or how I might ask anything...but I figure I'm safe for a little while. I walk over to the big screen that has all the flights listed...and there is Puerto Ordaz with the comment "Joinning" listed next to it...and NO Gate number. However, the time listed for boarding is now 30 minutes later than it was originally supposed to board...and now I'm even more confused.

So I go sit down. Shortly thereafter a women behind me starts speaking Spanish, asking myself and the guy next to me a question. She's pointing at her ticket, and the guy next to me says "Puerto Ordaz...wah wah...blah blah blah." So I respond with "Puerto Ordaz", assuming that she's asking where my ticket is for. You know that "annoying" Spanish/Mexican person in the U.S. who doesn't speak any English...and I always wondered how they made it anywhere in the U.S without being able to speak the language...and now realized that I was that guy.

An hour later, a plane showed up at the gate...passengers exited the plane...and then almost everyone waiting in our area stood up to get in line. I stood up too, but then the lady who was now behind the desk shouted something to everyone...obviously explaining something about the flight or the plane. Half of the people sat back down, but I figured since I was already standing up, I'd just stay in line. There was an older gentleman in front of me in line...I pointed at his ticket and said, "Puerto Ordaz?" (...notice a pattern here?) He says "Si"...and so at that point I'm fairly certain I'm in the right place...but I have no idea how long before the plane will leave...or why it was late...or why the screen still says that the flight is going to Barcelona.

We finally board the plane...now 2 hours after we were originally supposed to board. Right before I get on the plane, the flight attendant says something, which I somehow translated to mean that we could sit anywhere. Everyone boards and there are a few Japanese passengers who probably also spoke English and very little Spanish. I think this was the reason that the flight attendant decided to translate every announcement he made on the plane into English as well as Spanish. This was to my benefit...because I soon found out per his announcements, that this plane was eventually going to Puerto Ordaz, with a quick stop-over in Barcelona. Had the flight attendant not translated, I probably wouldn't have had any idea...and I might have gotten off the plane in Barcelona instead.

So we finally landed in Puerto Ordaz...3 hours after we were originally supposed to land. I had been in an airport or airplane for nearly 24 hours at that point. I got my bag...and I met my new "driver". I was exhausted and worn out. I hadn't showered and I smelled like airplane/airport. I called in to the job-site and they suggested that I just go to the hotel and start the next day. So the driver took me the to my hotel. I showered, took a nap, and finally came to the realization that I was in another country, far from home, and that this was only the beginning of my interesting trip.

Friday, April 2, 2010

More Music Together

Emily has just started her seventh session of Music Together this week. Music Together is a music class for kids ranging from birth to kindergarten age where they sing songs and play music instruments. Emily has been going since she was about 6 months old... she wasn't even crawling or sitting up on her own yet... and it is amazing to me how much progress she has made in the past year and a half! Needless to say, when she started, she wasn't able to do a lot to participate, but I do think she was still getting a lot out of the classes. She started out by doing a lot of eating of the instruments and some bouncing. Now, she has started singing along to the songs and is constantly dancing around the room to the music. Now when I say she is singing, I don't mean that she is able to get all the words, but she knows a few of them, and belts them out when we get to that part of the song. I love watching her get into the music in class. I can't wait to see what comes next in her music development.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mommy's Little Helper

Emily loves to help around the house. Over the past few months, she has started to do more and more. Her regular chores include helping me hang up clothes, loading/unloading the silverware in the dishwasher, sweeping, loading the washing machine, and picking up her toys. I love that she wants to help me around the house, not that she always makes things easier, but they are more enjoyable. Which is a big plus for someone who dislikes housework as much as I do.

Emily helping me reminds me of myself when I was little. I have pictures of myself when I was around 3 or 4 years old in a Hawaiian dress, big floppy hat, and my toy push mower that I used to vacuum the floors with. They used to call me "Sadie the Cleaning Lady". I have no idea where that came from, but I remember it. If I was a good blogger, I would take this moment to upload a picture of myself dressed as Sadie and place it next to a photo of Emily helping to sweep up the floors, but I think we all know not to expect so much out of me.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Knock Knock...

So I am now in my 21st week in pregnancy. I can't believe time has flown by so quickly! I started feeling the baby move about 4 weeks ago, but he's been moving more and more lately. It's not consistent or hard enough for anyone else to feel it yet, but I'm sure it will be soon. I don't remember if this one is moving around more than Emily did. It's amazing how quickly I've forgotten.

After reading the previous paragraph, you may have noticed that I used the pronoun "he". Don't get excited though... we had an ultrasound yesterday, but we decided not to find out the sex, so we're not sure if there's a girl or a boy on the way. I just don't want to refer to the baby as "it" for the next 4 1/2 months, so I guess the pronoun will change with my mood from here on out.

The doctor says the baby looks great, and her size is right on, so she's right on schedule to whenever she feels like in mid-July. (See I switched it up already...)

To answer the question I've heard a lot already, no I am not really showing yet. Looks like a repeat of the last time around. I'm a little surprised though, since I definitely haven't had time to work on my abs much between the pregnancies, and everyone says you show more the second time around. Not showing definitely has its benefits though... I am still able to sleep on my stomach, which is great because I'm still able to sleep well at night. I guess the major disadvantage is that it's not obvious by looking at me that I'm pregnant... I don't think most people at work know, and the ones who don't probably think I've just fallen off the Weight Watchers wagon or something.

I haven't had a chance to post the pictures from the ultrasound yet, but I'll try to get them together so I can share them with everyone. There aren't any very good ones this time around though because there were some communication problems between the baby and the technician, but we got a picture of the feet, the spine/body from behind, and a thumbs up.